April 28, 2019

Week 2 Update

Their eyes have opened, and they're taking their first few shaky steps. Other than that, lots of sleeping and growing continue! We struggled to get good open eye and walking photos this week, so here are sleeping shots!

April 22, 2019

Week 1

Their first week here has been a good one! Umbilical cords have fallen off, their size has doubled, and Lily is taking more breaks from them as they are sleeping for longer stretches. Their day consists of alternating between two activities: sleeping and nursing! They're very snuggly, and easily fall asleep in our arms at any time of day.
Here are a few pictures from the week:

Mom's ear doubles as a blanket!

Climbing to the top to finish eating!

Have we mentioned they like to snuggle?!

April 15, 2019

Born 4/13/19!

The puppies have arrived!
Our home has grown by 7! The little ones arrived Saturday night, 4/13. Lily was phenomenal, and is recovering beautifully. She's ever the attentive and affectionate mama!
There are 3 black females, 3 black males, and 1 chocolate female.
They all weighed in just shy of one pound, and are sleeping and eating like champs so their size is changing by the hour!  Here's a few of the first photos:

Entering the final week all together!

7 weeks seems to have arrived especially quickly this time! With pick ups beginning next week, we’re enjoying every minute of playtime and s...